Equipamentos e Válvulas especiais de Unidades UCRs e UFCCs

This specification sets forth the minimum requirements for the design, fabrication, testing, delivery shipment and performance of Expander Butterfly...

Comente 29.04.22 808 Vizualizações Imprimir Enviar
Expander Butterfly Valves Purchasing Technical Specification

This specification sets forth the minimum requirements for the design, fabrication, testing, delivery shipment and performance of Expander Butterfly Valves, each one with this his proper electrohydraulic actuator and HPCU-Hydraulic Power and Control Unit, to be used in a Power Recovery System with Expander of FCCU-Fluid Catalyst Cracking Units.

The Expander Butterfly Valves used at FCC Units are the following:

  1. Expander inlet shutoff Butterfly Valve;

  2. Expander inlet control Butterfly Valve;

  3. Expander main by-pass control Butterfly Valve;

  4. Expander small by-pass control Butterfly Valve.

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